Your source for certified organic grilling rubs.
Just sprinkle on, rub in, grill
What is a rub? A rub is a combination of spices, seasonings
and herbs that add flavor and texture to beef, chicken,
seafood and veggies. Our certified organic spice rub
recipes compliment anything you want to barbecue or
grill. What makes our rubs different? The versatility
of our rubs: the flavors of what you grill are enhanced
with our special blends of spices and herbs. So fire up
the grill, rub on some G-Rub and get cooking.
Try our latest Gary's Gourmet
Grill Rub
Visit our online store to experience the latest
additions to our delicious rubs! We are constantly
striving to deliver the most innovative certified
organic rubs to enhance your grilling experience.
Organic Espresso 6 oz is the Rub of the Month.
For every combination of five - 6 oz jars you
purchase, you will receive one - 1.5 oz sample
of Organic Espresso! It will make your tastebuds
yell for more!
Gary's Gourmet Grill Rubs accepting
offers for distributors.
Be a part of the organic rub revolution: we
are currently accepting applications from
vendors and distributors that support our
mission to bring the most delicious, enhancing
and organic products to discerning customers.